Capabilities and Services

Risk Management Consultancy Services
A tool for the identification, analysis and preventive treatment of threats and risks, which allows developing strategies of response to eliminate, control, mitigate, assume, or transfer economic-financial, material, operative and image impacts, among others as consequence of an unexpected and sudden event.

On site "face to face" and Virtual Technical Inspections
Technical Inspections to identify and analyze perils and risks in the industrial and commercial sector.

Risk Analysis Surveys and Reports for Insurance and Reinsurance Markets
Risk Analysis Surveys and Reports for Retail Brokers, Reinsurance Brokers, Local Insurance and Global Reinsurance Companies.

Asset Valuation Assesment
Replacement values estimation for assets and infrastructure; analysis and evaluation of insurable and non-insurable sums for decision making from a Risk Management perspective. Also, Dynamic Assets Values Registration Models design and management.

Loss Scenarios Development
Catastrophic and non-catastrophic Loss Scenarios development (Possible, Probable, Maximum Foreseeable Losses, among others) for property and machinery breakdown (Material Damages and Business Interruption).

Geo-Spatial Analysis with GIS (Geographical Information Systems)
Development of databases with geographically referenced information for capture, storage, analysis, and deployment.